Hello Lovelies,

We hope all of you have had a sexy summer!

As summer winds down, things for us are heating up for us with sexy and fun travel to events. We are off to Desire for the first time in a handful of years and are excited to see the new addition. We will be sure to share our thoughts on the new pool, restaurants, rooms, hot tub, and all the fun you can have on an upcoming blog post.
While we’re excited to return to one of our happy places, we’re equally thrilled to be attending the next Libertine event in San Antonio this October. Having been to two previous Libertine events, we know they deliver fantastic, curated parties with unique themes, engaging events and seminars, and the chance to meet some truly amazing people. These events have not only been a blast, but they’ve also allowed us to explore new cities, enjoy some alone time as a couple, and connect with new friends over cocktails and dinner. Every event leaves us with smiles and great memories, as we continue to build friendships within this incredible community.

Which leads us to our main topic, finding your tribe in the lifestyle.

Over the course of being in the lifestyle, we found ourselves approaching things in a few different ways. When we first started, we had a similar story to many others. We didn’t want to get to know people, we debated whether we should use our real names, and never would we imagine attending events in our general area or meeting people for drinks and dinner. When we did start our journey, our season of life was pretty busy with small kids at home, juggling our careers, sports events on the weekends, family time and just trying to find balance between soccer cleats and laundry.

As we came out of the pandemic, with our kids growing older and more independent, we began to see things differently with a few things in life, including the lifestyle. We noticed that many of our friendships had drifted as our kids grew apart, a common experience for couples in their forties and fifties. We realized some of them we were friends with because our kids were on the same soccer team or had school clubs together. As the kids developed new interests and moved in different directions, our social circles shifted. As we attended more lifestyle events, we found ourselves finding our tribe. Whether it’s hotel takeovers, lifestyle clubs, meet and greets, or resorts, we’ve been exploring various ways to engage with the community. Recently, we joined a vibrant community that hosts regular events across the U.S., along with live online events throughout the week. The warmth and welcome we’ve received has been incredible!

Through these experiences, we’ve learned that not all events are the same. Some are fantastic, and we eagerly anticipate the next one. Others have potential, and we’re open to attending again. Some may not be our vibe. Each event has its own style, and approach—whether it’s a full hotel takeover, a casual gathering in a fun city, an Airbnb with a few couples, or a private house party.

One thing is certain: finding your tribe is about meeting like-minded people, having fun, and building connections that enrich your journey in the lifestyle. If anything over the last few years has taught us, is that life is short. If we don’t enjoy it now, when?

Speaking of fun and finding your tribe, we’re off to Desire!


Mr. & Mrs. Swanilla

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