Wow! We can’t believe it is spring and our last blog was just prior to the holidays!!!! Where does the time go?

Our vanilla life has been very busy the first several months of 2013 and we just didn’t have a lot of time for extra stuff. Just laid low for the winter but we did catch up on a lot of things in our sexy life including a lot of fun nights in front of the fire place. We completed Season 2 of SWING on Playboy. Since we gave a review of the first season of Swing, we will post our thoughts to the second season of Swing as well in the near future. We also started watching a few other shows on Playboy such as Sexcetera which is usually an hour long show on various topics including destination vacations, bondage, kink, etc. We also watch the show Foursome occasionally as well. This show can be pretty funny. In short, it’s made up of 4 ‘attractive’ types, 2 guys and 2 girls. They put them in a mansion for 24 hours, get them liquored up and do games and stuff to break the ice. They usually go out to a club or private party to learn about a topic at hand related to something sexy. Many of the guys come across as douchey and right out of Jersey Shore! We would normally watch this show first to help ease into the mood and there are some real funny moments and there are some sexy people on the show. It seems for every 4 shows maybe 1 show will just hit our mood right. Watching all of these shows, and listening to several podcasts of course made it very easy to get in the mood and make time to get funky and freaky on a weekly basis! You ALWAYS have to make time for each other.

Speaking of getting in the mood, one thing we would like to do in our blog is post a song that helps set the mood for us. We love to be spontaneous with each other, but once you have kids, the reality is you tend to plan out at least a few things related to your sex life. One thing we do is schedule date nights, which means we’re going to have sex! We have small children that are still at younger ages. So we make it point to know that every Friday night we put the kids in bed a few minutes early, have our bedroom clean, and set up to help set the mood (candles, wine, music, toys) and of course we both make an extra effort to wear something sexy/hot and get in bed with a bottle of wine. This is when we try to catch up on shows such as Swing, Foursome, Sexcetera, or even some vanilla shows that just give us that first hour into our date night to help decompress, let the night slowly build and take its course.

However, once play time starts, we really like to have sexy music on in the background. We don’t mean Kenny G (as Ross pointed out in Friends one time), and it took a while to find the right mixture of songs. We didn’t want to listen to artists/bands that we may listen to during the workday, or made us think of something that didn’t help the mood. So we started looking up sexy music on ITunes and YouTube and found various artists and music that we may have not listened to in the past. A lot of it is instrumental, in the electronic/acid jazz/funk genres. So what we will do is try to post a link on each post to hear a song that has been helpful in getting us in the mood. Try out the songs and see if it does anything at playtime for you! Feel free to post comments or email us on your thoughts or share other music that has been sexy to you.

This week’s song is Ay Ay Ay by Dzihan & Kamien


We also want to give a shout out to a cool Lifestyle podcast Swingin’ Around . They are based here in Michigan and we have been listening to them on a regular basis and feel they are onto something cool. We chatted through email a few times and they gave us a few tips on some clubs/events we were didn’t realize that were in our area. Be sure to check them out on ITunes or at Swingin’ Around

We have had a lot of fun with each other and do enjoy our blog and hope you do too. We do have several topics/stories in the works that we will be posting in the near future. Let’s just say that we have had a lot of fun with each other and look forward to sharing our stories soon.

In the meantime we did want to let everyone know we are now on Twitter so be sure to follow us @BeyondRbedroom

Until our next post, remember, take your sex beyond your bedroom, it may lead to good things!